My Husband Has Just Been Prescribed Amantadine For His Shuffling. Has Anyone Been On It?
Always concerned about side effects! Everyone reacts differently to medications!
Husband woke up with serious chills and kind of out of it this morning, dropping that medication!
My husband was prescribed it soon after he was diagnosed with PD. He didn't feel any different with that medication, so he decided to drop it since there are so many potential side effects.
I used it for a while with no impact on my tremors, dyskinesia or dystonia.
Amantadine, often prescribed under names like Symmetrel, Gocovri, or Osmolex ER, can help with Parkinson's symptoms like shuffling or dyskinesia. Common side effects include dizziness, dry mouth, sleep disturbances, and blurred vision. Rare but serious effects may include suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, or compulsive Show Full Answer
My Doctor Prescribed GOCOVRI But I Can’t Find A Pharmacy That Carries It. Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find It? Thanks
I Am Being Considered For D.B.S Would Be Interested To Hear Any Positive Or Negative Views.