Is There A Keyboard That Would Make Typing Easier?
I never seem to hit the keys I want to hit! (yes, I do use dictation as well ).
That would be wonderful! Thank you Jennifer!
Yes, buy an Ergonomic Keyboard, it's slanted with keys in the natural position of your fingers to fall on when placed in front of you at a normal angle. Mine is great, helps a lot with reducing carpal tunnel symptoms!
For individuals with Parkinson's disease, using a keyboard with larger keys or an ergonomic design can make typing easier. Here are some tips:
- Large Key Keyboards: These have bigger keys, making it easier to hit the right one
- Ergonomic Keyboards: Designed to reduce strain and improve comfort.
- Keyguards: These are Show Full Answer
Please Let Me Know Any “Tips And Tricks” You’ve Learned To Add To The List Of Resources I Have.
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