This Is 2 Questions For All Of You Who Had DBS Surgery.
1. How often do you check your batteries?
2. Do you take your DBS device (settings programmer) with you at all times? Bean
Have not had DBS nor will I as I was told I was too old (70). Plus I am still only mildly affected by PD (thank the good Lord).
Has anyone ever had the follow up results that I had after my Pfizer second shot. following that last shot I had eight days of no Parkinson’s disease syndrome‘s. What do you make of this? Has anyone else had the same experience?
Every few months and no don't need to carry it every where.
Hi Bean,
I charge de battery once a week and the remote control once a month. I take the remote control with me only when I have I have a surgery in case to check if the stimulator was gone off.
What Are Your Experiences As A DBS Patient?
For Those Of You Who Had The DBS Surgery, How Often Do You Get Reprogramed? Bean
For Those Of You Who Had DBS Surgery, Does Anyone Wear A Medic Bracelet?