Can A Low Level Of Clonazepam Still Be Addictive?
I'm taking 0.25mg, increasing to 0.5mg daily for rigidity.
Also, is it better to take it every 24h, or spread it out over two doses every 12hrs?
You shouldn't have to, practically spe😻aking, write your own prescription. But there many who are. Then comes in the "know-it-all" doctor who deems his knowledge infallible following all guidelines without any brains or talent to prove he went through neurology at all. A good title for a book written on the subject. "The 20 Best Reasons Why Certain Drugs Should Not Be Given For PD"; the body of evidence will be 200 blank pages to accommodate the inexcusable!
Been on .5 mg of Clonozepam 2x day for 8 years for another movement disorder. Have never been addicted or taken more than as directed! Although neurologist has said I could take another if I felt I needed it I have never done so.
Hey T. I functioned well during that long time period. I slept well when I was on it, but I didn’t oversleep. I worked lot’s of overtime, and made tons of money.
I remained calm, but I needed an increasing dose to maintain my calm. The Panic Attacks were crippling. I just felt like curling up in a ball. without Xanax I couldn’t function. When I found Paxil, they simply went away.
I take. 05 clonazepam at bed time to help me from acting out my dreams and hurting myself
Nigel...I took Clonazepam. I followed my Neurologist's instructions for 16 years without problems. I had a stroke, & I wanted to walk again. The side effects from taking Clonazepam were detrimental to me walking. When I told my neurologist my plans, he said there a problem. In order for me to walk again, I had to get off of Clonazepam. It came down to a choice, & I wanted to walk. Had I never had a stroke, I would probably be taking it today. I have developed other techniques for controlling my anxiety. Look, my MDS has accepted that I am a "pain in the ass" when it comes to being independent & my desire to walk. Hugs, AnneKristine 🩷
My Wife Who Has PD Is Taking Clonazepam 0.5 Mg Tablet. She Is 82 Years Old. Does Anyone Have Suggestions About Its Use?
Had PD For About 4 Years. Recently I Am Having Dreams Which I Act Out: Thrashing Turning, Etc. Wife Is Frightened. Take Melatonin. NG
Do You Have A Hard Time Sleeping At Night?