When Should One Stop Driving An Automobile?
When I forget where to put the key in
When considering whether to stop driving due to Parkinson's disease, here are some symptoms and situations to watch for:
- Frequent Close Calls: Near-miss accidents or frequent minor collisions
- Difficulty with Multitasking: Struggling to manage multiple tasks while driving, such as using turn signals and checking Show Full Answer
It varies per individual. Many of the reasons that are listed can happen to any individual with an illness or not. The joke here in AZ is that turn signals have not been invented yet. Just because a signal is on or not doesn't mean that driver will turn or not. Comprehensive driving means you drive for them and yourself. Expect them not to do as their signal is claiming. Once they make the turn you can believe what they will actually do.
People are crazy drivers here. They drive too fast and cut in and out with no concern to the traffic around them.
65 miles per hour is the limit, the average is 80, or you're a hazard on the freeway.
I will add more later.
I think that it is totally a very personal thing- but for me - I drive locally because my hands go numb after driving long distances and my hands tend to festinate when I am making slow left-hand turns- but other than that I drive fine-- ( knock on wood)
I get lost once in a while, started using map app. I keep it on "just in case"
I go to work an hour earlier than I used to do there's not so many bright lights & I keep my console dark. It helps
What Clues Indicate That One Should Cease Driving An Automobile?
What Symptoms Lead To No Longer Driving An Automobile?
I Have No ?? Just Wanted To Say I Miss Summer Already,swimming Helps Me A Lot