Do U Take Food With Carbidopa LevaDopa? How Many Do U Take A Day?
The answer somewhat helped , but wanted to hear from my team and not a dictionary. I already know what you posted. Thank u though.
Understand, I feel same
I usually try to eat something, before my meds, but thats just really because I NEED TO EAT..NOT NECESSARILY BECAUSE OF THE PILLS..I cant walk, in the morning, until I eat PROTEINE AND, SAYING THAT, I have also read you shouldnt have proteine, with the Carbidopa? So? Who knows? Its all so seems like one place tells you 1 thing, and another place, tells you just the opposite. Ive just learned, over time, what works best, for me, but its been TRIAL and errore, ever since I got this disease.
My husband takes his 4 times a day
Hi Gerry. I take my Carbodopa 3 X a day 30 minutes before a meal.
Yes, I find it works best for me if I take it 1/2 hr before eating or wait til 1 hr after; the exception being if the meal does not include protein. Protein seems to inhibit the ingestion of the carbidopa/levodopa. I take 1ea 25/75 tab 3x/day, morning, at noon and at night. I read an article once by a Dr. that suggested the last dose was not really necessary as the Parkinsons turns off when you are sleeping; I tried it and found I was better off taking the dose. Hope this helps... blessings
Does Using Ropinerole/Rasagiline Have As Bad Side Effects As Carbodopa/Levadopa?
Rytary/ Carvadopa/levadopa
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