I Read “mild Parkensons”, “ Moderate Parkensons” Etc. Is There A Set Measurement?
I asked my Nuerologist which stage I was in and he answered that the 5 stages were rather academic. Because PD can be different for each individual, there can be something like a sliding scale. He told me that I was in the early stages. What does that mean? I still get around very well and some days I feel pretty good and on those days I tell myself "this isn't too bad". Then the next day I feel awful and I reflect on my thoughts from yesterday and tell myself "how could I possibly have felt that this isn't so bad" ? I still drive anywhere I want, I am non tremor dominant but can't smerr anything, my voice has changed a lot, I walk stopped over slowly and my arms don't swing. I have horrible constipation and the fatigue can sometimes seem bone crushing.
Ken, seems like we might have the same disease. ( that was a joke). I'm thankful for this website, people who don't have PD can't truly understand.
It’s emotionally like Bi-polar. I’m joking and laughing sometimes, center of attention,,;; then super-depression.
I have each of your problems alternating back and forth.
Parkinson’s disease is typically described in stages rather than using terms like "mild" or "moderate." According to the knowledge base:
- 5 Stages of Parkinson’s Progression: Parkinson’s disease is a neurological movement disorder that usually worsens over time. The stages represent the progression of symptoms and their Show Full Answer
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