So If Delusional Behavior Is Common In People With PD, What If It's Really Happening And How Will You Know?
Sending them in ....... make sure you tell them Phil said I could sit in the front !
With all the adversity you have to endure, you nearly always manage to end your comment positively . Teresa you are an unsung hero, an outstanding role model and you command love and respect from all who are privileged to make your acquaintance.
Above comment is from the heart and contains no nuts, artificial sweeteners or flattery x
Could you talk to those you trust and ask them to advise you if they see unusual behavior? Also meet with a neurologist to discuss PD's psychological effects. I sometimes see things that are not there, but I work at not letting it disturb me too much and just take one day at a time.
I have hallucinated before and had very vivid dreams. My psychiatrist told me how to tell the difference. Hallucinations occurs when you are awake and of course then the vivid dreams occur when you are asleep.
Both of my Hallucinations and vivid dreams were the result of medication.
The hallucinations were so wild they could not be real but they felt real. My husband told me he never recognized that I was hallucinating. I knew they could not be real and was able to discuss them with my doctor.
However, delusions are thoughts of thoughts.
I know that doesn't make sense and I'm not really able to explain it other than one is visual and delusions are your way of thinking.
I am almost certain your family would recognize the delusions since you would probably be voicing them. You think one thing while all others know that is not the way it is. I think if more than one person told you that you were being delusional (your thoughts were not the truth). Then I think I would pay attention to the thoughts and discuss them with a psychiatrist. Someone who doesn't have a reason to tell you a lie.
I know I am trying to explain this while I too am trying to know the difference or how to recognize that your thoughts are delusions such as thinking you are being persecuted or thinking you are smarter than the others know the difference.
I am sorry to say all this since I haven't had much sleep and my brain is not working clearly.
I may be delusional by thinking my answer to this question is the best. But I do think either way if more than one person is telling me the same thing, then I would have to examine it with an impartial person to discuss it.
We too 😄😄
I second that emotion.
I Often Distrust People I Love, And Find I Don't Believe What They Tell Me. Does That Qualify As A Delusion?
Tips For Confusion