My Constipation Is Bad. After Going To The Doctor And Trying Fiber And Laxatives Nothing Seems To Work, Suggestions??
I'm taking 5 levadopa/cardopa tablets 5 times a day w/Amantadine onc a day.
I asked the same question a while ago. Many suggestions. What is working for me is a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in morning on an empty stomach. I also
had issues with hard stools. This seems to take care of the problem. I have been
ok for over two weeks.
I experienced real bad constipation a few weeks ago. The stool was so hard that I have no way to push it out and out of extreme pain I use my finger to dig the stool out of my anus. That sounds disgusting but I have to do it in order to let the first hard stool to get out. Now I only need Lactulose and Laxsol to prevent any future constipation .
I’m So Tired Of Always Having Issues With Constipation. Anyone Find Something That Works?
Hemp Oil
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