I Am 76,diagnosed 4 Yrs Ago.Lately,excruciating Leg Pain Cramping Only At Night.Is This Common?Sinemet 25/100 Controls Tremors.
I have neuropathy in my feet and used to suffer from leg cramping at night and sometimes during the day. My podiatrist recommended drinking a small glass of tonic water before retiring to bed. I have followed this routine and no longer get leg cramping. If it worked for me, it may work for you.
Drink as much water as you can stand. 😀
Yes I myself suffer from this cramps !working out the hamstrings and quads helps a lot.
Who Has Been Using Sinemet (carbodopa/levodopa) For More Than Five Years? Dyskinesias? Please Mention Dose And Other Pd Meds.
Sinemet To Sinemet CR
If You Suffer From Tremors, What Have You Found To Be Regulatory, Dependable And Will Control Tremors?