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If You Suffer From Tremors, What Have You Found To Be Regulatory, Dependable And Will Control Tremors?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question đź’­
Carrollton, TX
April 21, 2016
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

The best answer so far, @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member, has been not to dwell on having a progressive incurable disease. I, too, have put my trust in the Lord, but I'm still not rolling over and buying stock in the "Depends" futures. I know I have handled everything that today has handed me and maybe, just maybe, tomorrow will be even better. Sure, it could slide down a slippery slope, but that's true for everyone. I had the honor of working with developmentally disabled adults in my professional career and I don't mean to preach a sermon here, but the men and women that I worked with lived every single day of their lives with their own special challenges. My one friend from the place I worked, struggled with cp his entire life. He is wheelchair bound, but his mind is clear and he is very intelligent. He and I have had many political and religious conversations and he has assured me that he doesn't worry about tomorrow because when he will eventually give up this body, with all of it's flaws, and he will be going to a better place that has no use for imperfect bodies we have now. I'm not as convinced as he, (nor do I have the same conviction of faith as he) but still I do take a lot of comfort from his ability to cope with his disability and to deal with life, one day at a time. I dealt with today and I was able to handle it just fine. I know that tomorrow I will still have a progressive, incurable disease, but there is nothing that I am able to do right now to change that. So, I'm putting my faith in the Lord, I'm going to try to get some sleep, and then, tomorrow, I'll deal with the events as they occur as well as I can. There is an old saying that I like that says, "Man plans....God laughs!". Good night, my friends. Good night @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member. Stay strong and keep the faith.

April 24, 2016
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I think I am blessed and lucky to have such good friends and neighbors here in the village although it has taken a long time to settle we always had land to move around and if you were grumpy you could just go out and do what you wanted to my roses always seem to be getting their heads chopped off at some time or the other. When we lost Alex was a hard time but there was always someone to ask how we were managing. I am finally getting back on my feet and starting to take part in the activities although there are days when you just want to pull the blankets back over your head and tell everyone to go away but, that doesn't help just makes you feel worse. I didn't go to Bingo or Barefoot Bowls this week it has been cold and wet the highest we had on Firday was 13 degrees celsius (yuk) Just curled up on the couch and had a lazy day now I have to catch up on what I was going to do. I found my attitude to a lot of things has changed since having this little monster Pd if it doesn't get done today it will still be there tomorrow just do what you can anything that doesn't isn't going to run away. Enjoy your family and friends they are our greatest gift and when we least expect some one will do something and you realise how lucky we really are An armful of hugs Pam

May 28, 2016
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I am doing lots of exercising on my treadmill and indoor bike and i still have a mild tremor almost all the time. The 3 meds I take, don.t take them away. I dont dare stop them because I dont know how much worse i would have gotten in the last 7 month with out the meds. I cant ride a real bike anymore so I am getting a tricycle. I cant wait to go outside and ride!

May 17, 2016
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member I take a total of 1200 mg of CoQ10 each day, and I take four 25/100 carbidopa/levodopa tablets. In the morning I take 400 mg of CoQ10 and again at dinner and bedtime. I take one c/l tablet in the morning and the others at intervals of about every 3-4 hours. If I should forget a c/l tablet, after about 5-6 hours I will look down and realize that my hand is tremoring. Once I take the tablet, the tremor goes away. I know that everyone's PD is different; what works for me may not work for others, but I do think it is worth a shot. I have tried expensive CoQ10 and cheaper brands. I go with the cheapest I can get, in my case from BJ's, but I do take one capsule of vitamin E (400 i.u.) with my morning and dinner CoQ10 capsules. I had been diagnosed five years ago, and my symptoms seem to have gotten better and better. I know that is not the norm, and therefore I am sticking to what works for me! I have learned through reading about testing with CoQ10 that some people have even been given 2400 mg per day without any side effects, and the 1200 mg per day has been considered fine by all of the doctors I see. I have never had any side effects from it. I wish your husband luck with getting his tremors under control! Please let me know whether the CoQ10 helps.

May 4, 2016
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I hear you! Believe me, my husband's armor is shiny but has a lot of dents in it from all the Knocks life sent his way:-)

April 27, 2016

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