My Wife Is My Designated Caregiver And I Feel That She Treats Me Like A Child. Has Anyone Else Encountered This Type Of Treatment (perceived
i think that i’m approaching end stage PD after reading about it today and that realization frightens me. I was diagnosed approximately eleven years ago.
Perhaps she is scared too and trying to control what she can in this life with Parkinson's. Have you told her how you perceive her attempts to serve you? A sensitive conversation maybe all that is needed to renegotiate your care. Hug her. She needs that. Prayers for understanding.
Hello Judy TX, thank you for your warm welcome!
Dear Steve, I was diagnosed 11 years ago. I read the article too, although very informative, I felt it could be alarming. I reviewed the things that I can still do. Not only the things I no longer can do. That little activity made me feel a lot better. I would like to talk with you about this more. I can worry myself into almost any disease. When I lived in Albuquerque, we had frequent warnings about the plague in the mountains. Crazy mind. Blessings, JudyTx 🌹
Welcome Jeannine. I look forward to our conversations. Blessings, JudyTx 🌹
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