Would You Like To Review The Entire 60+ Page Parkinson's 360 Guide?
Good morning team, I have been providing you posting that include summaries of a variety of topics related to PD. Here is where you can find the full document in case you would like to save it and/or read the full document.
Stay tuned for a few more summaries to wrap up this work. Summary 12 was posted here yesterday and 12a will be posted shortly. Enjoy!
You are so sweet Peggy. No, I'm happy to complete this activity. I've posted summaries of about 50 of the 66 pages in the Parkinson's 360 Guide to-date. I'll post the remaining info over the next few days. But there is no way to group those excerpts together for continuity on this site so for those folks who might like to see the document in its entirety, I'm providing the site for them
I would love your feedback on the document and/or my summaries if you like.
Happy holidays to you and your loved ones,
Thanks for all your hard work Maria. You are an absolute star!
Thanks for this update
Terry, I don't see a date for this but if you get this, I miss you.
Love and prayers,
Hi, Maria. Happy holidays! Are you looking to for someone to edit and/or critique the entire summary volume? Let me know how I can help. Cheers, Peggy
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