Can I Ask What Other Parkinson’s Patients Are Taking Medication Wise And How You Take It? Just Curious .
I take 2 rytary 61.25/245 four times a day. Before that, I was on sinemet 25/100 five times a day and needing to increase. The rytary is ok, but I still have tremors and dyskinesia at times. Also, it sent me into the Medicare donut hole, which is very expensive for me. My neurologist has suggested DBS, I see him on 1/2 to discuss.
Hi I take
Sinement plus five times a day.
Sinement 1.25 five times a day
Sinement cr two at night .
Encatapone three times a day.
I should take five. They give me bad
Nightmares. I am not doing well.
They giving me another tablet
Which is dopamine I take one a day
I also have a heart metal valve..
Lansoprazole one a day.
Adcal twice a day.
Bisoprolol Fumarate one a day.
Warfarin 7mg a day..
Citalopram one day .
Ramiprill one a day.
Since I have had parkinsons.
I cannot mix 😫 with people.
I am embarrassed and I
Stop in the house. Don't go anywhere x
I've Heard Of People Who Were Diagnosed With PD And Years Later Find Out It Wasn't. What Would You Do?
No Dopamine To Be Found Anywhere ...
How Many Out There Have Parkinsonism? Do You Know The Difference Between Parkinsonism And Parkinson's?