Has Anyone Had DBS? I Would Like To Is It Working For You And Would You Do It Again?
I had DBS on October 30, 2023. I am 63 year old male with heavy tremoring in left arm and a little in left leg. It has been less than 4 weeks since my surgery.
I have no tremoring any more, I have motivation to get up off the couch and out of the house. Dr Grewal, Mayo Clinic Manchurian Building in Jacksonville, FL. Phenomenal experience. I feel so much better.
I had it about a year and a half ago. I had to use a wheelchair to the Doctors office and when he turned it on and adjusted it I walked to my car with no assistance. If you qualify I would highly recommend it. My life changed drastically for the good.
Thank you all for your encouraging words. When you have been doing something one way for 20 years it is hard to change. But I can't increase my meds and they don't work as good as they used to . Jody Schaible
No, I am more scared it wouldn’t work t
Than of the Parkinson’s . I am praying for stem cell success
I had it July 2022 and it w as life altering! I was on 36 pills a day, now none. I used to tremor and stumble around. Now I'm like a new person! I highly recommend it! I had my 50th rebirthday this past June. If you're interested in talking text me (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators).
Would You Get DBS Again?