I Just Had A CT Scan On My BraiN. What Are They Looking For?
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
I was diagnosed by my first Neurologist. I changed Neurologists & he physically examined me, tested my strength, my balance, & how I walked, etc. Then he sent me to have a Cat Scan which doesn’t show Parkinson’s, but it will rule out any other problems with the brain. My test was normal. He then sent me to have a DAT Scan which will show any Dopamine loss in different areas of the brain. The technician told me my brain should light up like a Xmas tree with lots of lights if normal. They give you a radioactive pill & you wait 3 hours before they do the scan. This pill is what makes the dopamine light up in the brain cells. So if there is a lower amount of lights that means those cells have stopped producing Dopamine. The Substantia Negra’s cells send out Neurotransmitters called Dopamine to the Basal Ganglia which is responsible for movement in the body. With Parkinson’s the cells in the Ssbutancia Negra that produce Dopamine begin to die & with it the Dopamine it produced, so there is one less light & less Dopamine to reach the area responsible for movement & the symptoms are the result.
I’m sure I spelled the 2 areas of the brain wrong please excuse me & it’s too late to look up the correct spelling. My doctor concluded from the lower amount of Dopamine lit up on the DAT Scan that his diagnosis was correct.
I included more than the CAT Scan in case he wants to do a DAT Scan so you know what it was about & completely painless.. Be at Peace,
Hi Phil, since your scan came back VOID / EMPTY looks like you have nothing to worry about 🤣🤣 have a great day my friend you make my day each time you are on here. take care.
Did you not ask your neurologist? My husband had a MRI of the brain. It was several years ago. Cant recall what they foundc
Wow Carol, thank you so much for the details and excellent explanations. I'm sorry for your diagnosis but so happy you got one and that you are part of this community.
My DAT scan results
Muscle Pain
Do I Also Need To A Neurologist For Further Testing
DatScan Verses MRI