Do I Also Need To A Neurologist For Further Testing
A neurologist who specializes in Movement Disorders can be very helpful in controlling your symptoms. A Movement Disorders Specialist has a lot of extra training in movement disorders like Parkinson's disease. You can ask you doctor to refer you to a specialist.
An movement specialist is is a very knowledgeable specialist! If you can get into see one GO FOR IT! Many of us saw all kinds of othter Dr. s. but no diagnosis . I waited 6 years for a neurologist to officially called it by name. So, get any and every help you can and do what you can do to be at your very bes!!
I would recommend wholeheartedly getting a movement disorder doc. Best thing I did for myself. He was reasonable, knowledgeable, open, explained what and why, in short I lucked into a fine doc. Over the past 15 years, I have tried many medications, old and new, different combinations, dosages, delivery etc. l have been stable for almost 12 of those years. My meds now have settled on Azelect (rasagiline), carbo/levo, sertraline, ropinirol and an occasional Advil. Most are small dosages except for carbo/levo er 4 x day. I also do Pilates, work in the yard, hike, dance, and live alone. That being said, I ache, my toes curl, I have trouble swallowing, I have internal tremores as well as regular tremors, drool and lots more incovieniant, painful and just plain awful Parkinson's symptoms. But all days are good, some are better, I'm a very lucky old woman all told.
I am so glad you found someone who could help.
Be well.
I found my movement disorder neurologist on the internet. On Google it was the first listing. I live in Utah and had been misdiagnosed for over 6 years, DR Steffens at the neurology clinic at the university of Utah in SLC took one look at me and said typical Parkinsons.
Who Is Answering These Questions? Qualifications?
Has Your Neurologist Ordered Sinemet To Help Diagnose Parkinson's?
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