Does Parkinson's affect your vision? I will need to make an appointment soon and was wondering do I tell my doctor I've been diagnosed? I think my vision has gotten worse but is it due to PD?
I have prisms in my glasses works very well
Yes Parkinsons can play havic with your eyes. I have had a terrible time with mine. I cannot remember now what they called it but its when you see thing either out of order or double or even sometimes triple vision, and most of the time blurry vision.
The eye dr put Prism in my glasses , it does help for a little while but then you end up having to go back so the dr can prescribe a stronger script for the prism.
wish I had more to tell but thats all I know for now will keep you updated
I too have the problem of reading at night. If I buy a magazine or a news paper, I must read it during the day otherwise at a certain time at night or afternoon, my vision goes blurry n I have to stop reading. Its very annoying to say the least. When I go for my vision test I'm gonna ask for prisms to be added to my glasses so I can see.
I too have added prisms to my glasses. That has made a tremendous difference in my ability to read. I was fortunate to get to see a neuro- ophthalmologist when I started having blurry vision reading especially when I was tired. He gave me eye exercises which did help my focusing. He also told me that when the exercises were no longer helping there were prisms that could be added to my lenses which would compensate for a difference in eye movement so the brain could receive the messages from both eyes at the same time. I’ve used prisms successfully for about 1 year and expect to request another Rx later this year as my eyes worsen. It is great that after 14 years with Parkinson’s I don’t have to give up the things I love. I still am able safely to drive, play croquet, do archery, read and use my computer.
Thank you Dale and Merrilee. It sure has affected my eyes
Anyone Else Have Double-vision Problems?
Trouble With Vision
Has PD Affected Anyone's Eyes? My Vision Has Gotten Very Bad! I Sort Of Have Double Vision At Times And Blurry All The Time.