What Experience Have You Had With Nuplazid?
Approximately 3 months ago, I experienced severe hallucinations hypothesized to be associated with an urinary tract infection, I had a second less pronounced episode of hallucinations about 6 weeks ago, also associated with a UTI. My neurologist prescribed Nuplazid, the only medication approved for the prevention and treatment of Parkinson's related hallucinations.
I have had no significant hallucinations since then. However, it is difficult to determine if the decrease is a direct effect of… read more
I have non motor Parkinson’s, I also have to use a catheter so I have had too many UTIs, my Dr put me on METHENAM HP twice a day, I have been UTI free for over a year now!
UTI’s can certainly cause hallucinations, but Parkinson’s doesn’t need any help, it can produce hallucinations all by itself. It can also cause UTI’s. It isn’t important in this case what caused, only that Nuplazid took care of it. It is important to know that Parkinson’s can cause all these things on it’s own. If Parkinson’s actually caused the hallucinations, then it will cause future hallucinations, and you should probably have Nuplazid on hand for that eventually. Your doctor should also be prescribing medication for preventing Parkinson’s from causing UTI’s, if such a thing exists.
I have been taking Nuplazid for hallucinations. My first hallucination was last year and after taking nuplazid I had none. Just this month I had a horrible UTI and was even hospitalized and had a hallucination in the hospital and they added seraqual .It’s all good now but I firmly believe the UTI had something to do with it.
So far I have not had any server hallucinations.
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