To prepare for and deal with psychotic episodes in Parkinson's disease, consider the following steps:
1. Medication Management:
- Consult a neurologist or psychiatrist to review and adjust medications. This may involve discontinuing or updating dosages or adding new medications to treat Parkinson’s psychosis.
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To prepare for and deal with psychotic episodes in Parkinson's disease, consider the following steps:
1. Medication Management:
- Consult a neurologist or psychiatrist to review and adjust medications. This may involve discontinuing or updating dosages or adding new medications to treat Parkinson’s psychosis.
2. Open Communication:
- Talk openly with the healthcare provider about symptoms to find effective treatment options.
3. Safety Measures:
- Make household changes to ensure safety, such as removing dangerous objects and securing the environment.
4. Community Support:
- Join support groups like MyParkinsonsTeam to connect with others who understand the challenges of living with Parkinson’s disease.
5. Recognize Symptoms:
- Be aware of signs like mixing reality with memories or TV, anxiety, agitation, and acting out on hallucinations or delusions.
6. Behavioral Management:
- Address behaviors that may lead to unsafe actions, such as playing with dangerous objects or attempting to put things in outlets.
By following these steps, you can better manage and mitigate the impact of psychotic episodes in Parkinson's disease.
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