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My Fiancé Is Having Severe Outbursts Of Temper

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bella Vista, AR
November 11, 2021
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I agree with Monique9. Your safety HAS to come first, hard as that will be at times. I developed LBD with Parkinsonism Until then I had always been very calm, usually somewhat quiet and patient. Rarely did I lose my temper or become truly angry. Just prior to diagnosis I developed a hair-trigger temper, which I lost frequently before retiring. Since then I’ve ‘retaught’ myself to be patient. My very supportive wife redirects me when she sees me becoming tense or angry and speaks quietly as she talks—not bossy or ordering me. All that and some medication and I’m usually very stable.
The one thing I would add to what Monique9said re contacting battered womens resources is to find a place in you house where you can go if thing really get out of hand (your safety is first—you’re no good to anyone if you’re injured) and if the situation becomes truly violent or dangerous don’t be afraid to call for assistance (police, etc—they’re trained for these situations).
Tho it may become very tiring and discouraging always try to Be loving, patient, supportive, and NEVER GIVE UP!!!

November 12, 2021
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I heard this can happen with Parkinson's. I am terrified of the day if it should come my way. In my mind I tell myself: If he gets violent, that's when he has to go to a facility or when I have to live somewhere else, even in my car. The first 4 years of my life were horribly violent and I have PTSD; I will not live with a violent person, but I will always help my husband with his Parkinson's care because I love him, and he was never violent or cruel in the 40 years we have been together. I hope that you are ok and able to put your safety first as bbonham wrote -- if your finance is violent, please call a domestic violence women's shelter for advice. If he is emotionally cruel and you think it's Parkinson's, please call the nearest support group or hospital nurse/social worker that you can find, after making SURE you are physically safe.

November 12, 2021
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I guess the first question I would ask you is “how much do you want to invest in this relationship?” I realize that some of this could be caused by Parkinson’s but not all and even if it were do you want to invest your life in this kind of a relationship? You could actually, you know, really invest you whole life because a lot of times violent people just get more violent as time goes on. I think if it were me in the situation as much as I love someone I would try very hard to not be thinking always with my heart because you know what your heart would say… if this is someone you love you need to think with your head if this situation is going to get better… I doubt it will. usually the situation just gets worse and if you’re a girlfriend and not a wife you can’t even talk to the doctor about it because if he hasn’t listed you as the person of contact for his medical problems then they won’t talk to you at all even if it’s a dangerous situation that you’re in. I would I hate to keep saying this but I would contact a Counselor give you some real advice. Good luck I hope things work out and I hope you stay safe. That has got to be your first thought is “ stay safe”. Just my opinion.

November 12, 2021
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Me again, Sophie McGuire re severe outbursts of temper. His temper that I now call flash temper or the worst white flash temper eruptions sort of subsided for a while. Now the flash temper flares more often and he has a total facial change - white with rage. The worst one was the most hurtful. He did his best to not speak or look at me. We don’t live together but do many things together. He was trying to make me feel as if I had done something wrong in a social situation. It was intended to be demeaning and to control what I did or didn’t do at a choir party and to whom I spoke with. Yesterday he knocked over a space heater in the kitchen and tried to put it upright with one hand which is not possible. I was close by and put it upright. That sparked the white flash of rage on his face. A terrible look. I’ve been through lots of major surgery, chemo & radiation and had my mandible replaced with a bone from my leg. But I work at improving my strength and health every day. I finally warned him tonight that if he was ever violent with me I would smack him back. And I reminded him that I’m quite strong for 80 years old. He was taken back by that threat of ‘if you hit me I’ll hit you back harder’. That might have put me in a bad position by warning him. I think I need to be constantly aware of my proximity to him since the temper flares instantly and though I doubt he’s ever had even a scuffle as a youngster I feel with his bizarre changes he might be capable of violence. He did tell me he threw a snooker ball in a fit of rage a month ago. So thanks for advice to all. Oh, and I talked with him about being methodical and take his time doing things like clearing the table. That’s all he can do to help so I plan on letting him do it all so he doesn’t try to compete with me in doing more (which is what caused him to knock the heater over).

February 20, 2023
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

She is saying SEVERE outbursts of temper. Not crankyness like you say you have. I’m sure you are not really that cranky, however, most of us get cranky when we hurt. There is a big difference between “Cranky” and “Severe outbursts”. HUGS Susan…

November 16, 2021

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