Controlling My Eating
I am wondering if anyone else seems to have trouble with eating almost compulsively? I have noticed in the evening once I sit down and began to relax I begin eating. Sometimes my eating gets out of control. I have gained soo much weight. I’m finding it harder and harder to control this behavior. I do find during the day.
"Summary: A new study sheds light on why some people with Parkinson’s disease binge eat. Researchers report working memory impairment and alterations in reward sensitivity could be behind why binge eating can be problematic in those with Parkinson’s"
Thanks for the info Erinanne. I will havae to seeif I can find it, Have a nice weekend.
Esludds do you happen to know the name of the article
Crazy side effect maybe????? Have a great day!
Hi Erinanne, I find can't shovel the Cherrios fast enough. I eat one meal a day between 5-6. After the morning rush I have no reason to eat. It's crazy! So glad I am not alone with this. Stay safe and well!
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