How Do I Help My Husband To Exercise
My husband dosent care about any type of exercise to help his PD. Dosent care about eating right. He takes anti depressant. He was diagnosed about 3 years ago with p.d. I don't know how I can help him. I feel so helpless.
I hate this disease. He just watches Tv, plays call of duty, and stays on his computer. I think that's how he shuts everything out. I'm open to any suggestions
Maybe you can ease him into exercising. Sign him up for a Tai Chi class once a week. Tell him he will decline very fast if he does not exercise. My father has had PD for 10 years and frequently credits his morning walks for the slow progression of his PD. Also remember he can only get better if he wants to help himself - try not to put all of the pressure on yourself.
Could he be getting dementia ? Sometimes it affects some people with anger some just stay sweet.
Yikes! Where did that come from?
Shadow boxing (or mirror boxing) is not teaching how to box. There is nobody else involved. Virtually every male and probably a majority of women have a concept of boxing. Shadow boxing is moving on your feet and throwing jabs and hooks etc. against an imaginary opponent. The combination of movement and balance is ideal exercise for PD that can be done in the privacy of your home.
Suggest you google Rock Solid boxing and PD.
PS It is for women as well as men.
Please tell your husband that Exercise is like "taking medication" is a "must" for PD patients. Without it, things will not be as pleasant. Exercise does not necessarily not have to be done at a Gym as long as he keeps moving. it could be doing gardening or cutting the grass or cooking, or walking, or biking, etc... He is got to keep moving. PS when you go shopping park the farthest from the store make him walk. Put a pedometer app in his. telephone. he is got to do 10,000 steps a day. Hope above helps Hadi
My father, 78 and a PD and Alzheimer's patient in late stage, about 18 months ago threatened to strike my mother, a very strong woman. She responded in a very direct way and said our 56 yrs of marriage is not going to come down to physical violence now, illness or not. You try it again and you will have to move into to supported living, something both of them dread. That direct response had the right affect he never did it it again; sure he gets verbally and emotionally angry but there is no violence.
As it now the illness is so advanced this year will be his last christmas at home, he has to move into a proper facility he has had too many dangerous experiences of wandering off etc and getting lost so everyone is emotional and edgy about the pending change.
I hope you don't have any more violent episodes i can't imagine the anger and fear and sadness it brings you after so many years together. This approach may or may not be something you have consider or want to consider i am just sharing because it worked for my parents.
As a PDD sufferer myself i am also concerned about the emotional side and i have instructed my fiancee if anything like that is to happen she is to do same approach as my mother no ifs or buts, i don't want to responsible for violence on anyone.
Best Wishes and hugs Andy
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