What Is The Different Between Lewy Body With Pd Sx. And Just Plain Pd.
Not really sure. She had several falls over the course of about 4 years, each time she was able to get back up and walk a bit. This last summer she fell, went into a rehab and was not even able to stand on her own anymore. She said her legs just feel dead. Physical therapy was to much for her. But like I said, if she had seen a good neurologist when all this started, it may have helped.
Why did she lose the use of her legs
I believe the Lewy Body is the dementia portion of PD. Its what my mother has been diagnosed with. Her tremors are not bad, but she lost the use of her legs last year and suffers with hallucinations, dementia, and night terrors.
Is There A Link Between Lewy Body Dementia And PD?
Lower Body PD?
Apathy,tiredness,aches And Lewy Body.