Local Support Groups
My Husband would like to get a local private physical therapist or trainer that specializes in parkinsons. He would also like to know if there are any support groups that are available to talk to people that are experiencing what he is going through and maybe get recommendations for various things that could help with his parkinson. Please if anyone has and referrals let us know.
Thank you
Hi, I know LA is a big place but I would recommend contacting Reactive PT. They are in the LA area and are excellent parkinson's therapists and if not close should be able to recommend someone near you. I would also recommend Claire McClain with Rogue PT in that area.
To find a physical therapist that knows PD,
To find a local support group,
Thank you. Let me know what you find.
I am also at the same point in time as your husband. I have booked an appointment at the local gym and hoping to get a personal trainer to help with relevant exercises for Parkinsons. I am also looking into support groups as I think it will help to talk to others in the same situation as myself.
Thank you but did not receive a link, what should I google? Thanks
Is Is In From Plano Texas If So, Is There Any Support?Groups
My Husband, With PD, And I Live In The North Seattle Area And Are Looking For A Support Group. Willing To Start One If Necessary.
Does Anyone Find The Loss Of Coordination In The Hand With The Tremor? Especially Problematic When Trying To Cook Or Brush My Teeth.