Stalevo What Is Narrow Angle Glaucoma.
In the description it says not suitable Ford narrow angle glaucoma
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member Glaucoma is a condition that develops when fluid builds up in the front part of your eye. The extra fluid increases pressure in your eye, damaging the optic nerve, the nerve that sends information about what you see to your brain. Since a healthy optic nerve is necessary for good vision, untreated glaucoma can lead to blindness. That means the drug may increase this pressure and cause more vision loss.
The eye dr. did not say if related to PD. I just assume that it is connected in some way. That will be a good question to ask neurologist at our visit this week.
My eye doctor operated my narrow angle with laser and it helped to save my vision. This is serious because you can lose your vision. Please see your eye doctor.
Are u saying glaucoma is PD related?
Husband has PD and Glaucoma in one eye. Doctor has done laser surgery and it has helped with pressure but vision is worse. She said he will be checked again in 4 months and maybe can get some drops that will help slow the progression. Said there is no way to get vision back but progression can be stopped and he will not go completely blind in that eye. Laser surgery works for about 7 months.