Have Never Heard Of Specific Diet For Parkinson's. What Is Recommended? What Foods Should Be Avoided?
I've heard everything, including some pretty extreme recommendations. Doctors generally recommend lots of fruits and vegetables, avoid protein around what you are taking carbo/levo. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables (7 servings a day) has eliminated constipation for me, thought eating all that can be a struggle at times (dried fruit makes a good snack). I tried one extreme recommendation - ketogenic diet (high fat, low carb) - and ended up worse - my balance was very negatively affected. Also lost appetite (which I don't need to do, as weight doesn't stay with me). Also my gut didn't like all that fat and I ended up with days of diarrhea. Some people swear by this diet, but I swear at it. I experiment - I tried going dairy-free, as that's one recommendation, but it didn't seem to make a difference. But for some people it seems to help a lot. I suspect this is as variable as our symptoms.
a Mediterranean Diet is the best- it's simply lots of fresh produce and non processed foods
And had great results from was Genius Foods, by Max Lugrevere. You can watch a quick video clip on YouTube. It's enhanced my cognitive clarity, I feel great, and I'm confident my weekends at the farmers market are adding huge value.
i eat every thing and eat a lot b/c my wife is very good cook
dont change you diet. just time meds before protein intake. enjoy eating again. PD meds can cause water retension so potasium rich foods to offset the adding of dieretics(blood pressure meds)
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