Is There Any Info About How To Explain Parkinson's To Adult Children.?
MY daughter lives far away and we haven't seen one another in over a year. She and her husband are coming to
visit for the Thanksgiving. I'm stressed out about how I will look and my self consciousness about my disease.;What are some suggestions about how to survive the holidays?
Tell your daughter before she visits. This will give her time to get informed about PD and, when she sees you, she can have a knowledgeable talk with you about what to expect and how she can support you. PD is with us and our family members can be out best supporters. She loves you and will be there for you! Hugs
Just be honest and maybe print out some information that's easy to understand
Ii is a good idea to trll your daughter what is going on with you in the phone first. Then do not worry so much. She loves you ! My daughter helps me! It will be okay!
I agree tell them everything that is going on, don't be stressed out, they need to help you. let them help you take you out for thanksgiving, you have not seen her for a year, sad a lot of parents are in the same boat, they need to love you, help you, and make things easier for you, always. pray God will intercede. honestly best policy.
I like the idea of printing out some information - that way they can read the information later. Just like when you hear your diagnosis, it's a shock and you don't hear everything. Nothing wrong with telling them by phone first; then you aren't tying yourself in knots with worry about telling them.
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