Up To Date Parkinson's Info In Printed Form?
My friend was recently diagnosedbut he doesn't use the Internet or technology in general. But he is very literate. What are examples of good up to date printed reading materials to help motivate him?
Thanks again michelle749. Davis Phinney is sending me 2 copies of each book. I'm the meantime I'm reading them for myself online. The material is outstanding.
Thanks so much for this info. I will follow up on it!
I too like to have a physical written info. I have a copy of Davis Phinney Foundation for PD " Every Victory Counts" phone #(Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators) or P.O. Box 270948 Louisville CO 80027 This book was recommended to me by a member of this group and I refer to it all the time. There is also a book for the caregiver. Both books were free but I did give a donation. Hope this helps. Hugs 🩷
For up-to-date information on Parkinson's disease in printed form, you can refer to the following resources from my knowledge base:
1. Insomnia and Parkinson’s Disease
- URL: [Insomnia and Parkinson’s Disease](https://www.MyParkinsonsTeam.com/resources/inso...)
- Title: Insomnia and Parkinson’s Disease | Show Full Answer
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