Getting Heavy Stifness In The Right Side Of My RIB Which Reduces The Off Period. Someone Suggest Ways To Counter This?
My "Off period" which warrants next dose of medication is 3 hours, During the past 3 months I have been subject to lots of freezing which is accompanied with heavy stifness in the form of spasm pull' at my right rib. Eventually this leads to tremor in my right hand and right leg.This also started reducing my "Off perfiod" (Medicine wearing off time)FROM TO 3 TO 2.30HRS OR sometimes 2 hours. Anyone has the same issue and ways to get away from this.
Sorry I HAVE NOT been active in going thro this process of browse and answer questions & post issues.
All along my medicine irrespective of the progression is :- Syndopa 110 7 times a day together with SYNDOPA Extended version 5 times a day. In addition I TAKE amantadine 100mg twice a day B FORE LUNCH and one bfore BED TIME.
What meds are you taking and what dosage
Need to talk to specialist about this your meds need adjusting I think
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