I Am New & Wonder Where Do I See A List Of Those On My Team Please.
My team members.
Hi Janny,
To find a list of your team members go to your own profile and under your photo are a number of words in blue printed across the page. One of the words is team, click on team and under that is another group of words. Click on "people" and you will see that you have 13 people on your team. Scroll through them to see their photos, names etc. Hope you can understand my directions, love June.
To see your team, click on your picture in the upper right-hand corner. One of the choices across the page is Team.
Thank you June, yes your description is good, have a lovely day hugs jan.
How Do Teams Work?
Tremors And Shaking With Pd
I Find Some Relief (hours Of No Tremors) With Measured, Careful, But Steady Alcohol Use. That's Scarey.