Does Anyone Have Trouble With Choking?
I choke often. Never while eating. Either in the middle of the night or anytime during the day.
Does anyone have a problem with swallowing. I try to take smaller bites and chew my food thoroughly but still have a small problem with it. When I mentioned it to my PC dr., she said at some point we may have to stretch the esophagus. Anyone heard of that?
My gerd is good. I don't suffer from asthma or allergies. I was told by a friend who has a brother that is an anesthesiologist and he said it could be spasms. I also have a nodule on my thyroid that was just found that is about 1 inch. It checked out okay. The choking is getting more frequent and more frightening .
I have muscle spasm's in my neck quite often. Keeps me awake. I'm still looking for the solution.
Yes I've had it done, not a big deal as they drug you. I find swallowing difficult at times, it seems at med wearing off or when tired, stressed. Small bites followed with liquid helps. I worry some about eating alone.
Muscle spasms in neck could be torticollis, a form of Dystonia. Botox can be used to treat that condition.
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