Where Is Joseph?? Go Get Him Out Of Jail!!!
I see quite a few members have mentioned that they are having strange dreams lately. So do I.(Coincidence??)
I have always believed that you get 3 types of dreams.
1. Dreams that you are aware you had, but don't remember. It represents your normal "filing" for the day. It means that there is no cognitive - emotional incongruity.
2. Dreams that you remember for a while after you wake up. This represents areas that needs some resolution. A simple method of word or idea association will show… read more
Phil10...this may be very bad of me, but I'd love my ending to be as amusing as either of the two you outlined. I'd love to put people in that awful situation where they are genuinely sorry to hear of my passing (hey, I can hope!), whilst at the same time choking back the biggest peal of laughter as regards the circumstances...
Hi Wayric, one normally remember a dream for less than 10 minutes after waking up. That is why it is a good idea to write it down in as much detail as possible, as soon as you wake up. You determine the meaning of the dream by simple concept association. N̈ot word association, that is too limited.
Colin, I'm happy that you found the post helpful.
And I tell people it needs a surprising amount of faith to believe in nothing...!
Plus to both Lani and Phil, I find if someone does get angry with me in a discussion, it's because they are sticking adamantly to what their books says, rather than what their heart tells them.
This I think is why us three for sure, and most others on here stay civil, but more importantly, stay friends.
Hey @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member.
Like many I was raised (or if you prefer, indoctrinated) with religion. I still "take the name of the Lord in vain"; my swearing contains more biblical terms than a Sunday sermon*.
I've been brainwashed...but in my defence I said "passed away", not "passed on". I'll be permanently out of office, do not leave a message after the tone, I will not get back to you...
* Side note...I did once consider publishing a book of "blasphemy for atheists". I realise that is an oxymoron in some people's opinion, but even us faithless have our icons; here are a few suggestions
"What in the name of Max Planck is going on?"
"Stephen Q. Hawking on a f***ing bicycle"
"Good Einstein almighty"
"Oh what fresh delusional concept of eternal punishment is this?"
"Sweet mother of Darwin..."
Nigel, there is the world of difference between religion and faith... I'm not religious!
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