Writing Has Become Difficult If Not Impossible. Any Suggestions?
There are only two problems with Parkinson's - moving & standing still.
As for writing, the bluetooth MAC keyboard and an IPhone or IPad
is not expensive ( ~$70) and includes the aluminum kbd and is sold
w/case which opens and folds back to hold device so you have
two hands free. Very handy when trying to enter addresses into
an iPhone - and while I am not big fan of texting can manage it
http://www.aliexpress.com/item-img/Ultra-Slim-A...(Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators).html?spm(Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators).1000017.1:]].DebOho
I too am almost unable to write. I recently upgraded from an iPad mini to an iPad Pro because it is larger. I have to use a stylus to write even though I have a keyboard. I lost my sense of smell about 12 YEARS before I was officially diagnosed with PD and in the meantime I regained my smell about six years after I lost it. I was examined by ENT docs, neurologists, etc. but the neurologist did tell me loss of smell is a very strong indicator. I had two family members with PD so in a way was not surprised. I can no longer sing and can barely talk at times but will be working with a speech therapist soon for my voice, swallowing etc and am thrilled to do so. I know I haven't helped except to let you know others share your problems and how we might address them.
Slow down and try to do your necessary writing,like sending cards, paying bills etc when you know your meds are (ON). For me that is usually in the am right after I get up.
Good Luck and Good writing
I have had many struggles with my writing...I have found different diameter writing instruments - I have a love of Pencils...Sometimes I hold the pen/pencil in between my fore and middle fingers, which gives me a little more control...I have always been a "send a card" person...Birthdays, Just Because, I've always enjoyed sending what I call Happy Mail! Trying different utensils and using kids "learn to write" paper behind what I am writing has been a great help for me...
writing long hand is also difficult for me, so I use the keyboard but I again have a problem with my vision, and lately I have a lot of errors in my writing, it is probably because I tend to hurry up. I have to review my written comments several times to correct any errors.
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