Is There A Treatment Or A Medication For Restless Legs At Night Time?
Be prepared for the side effects. Read up on it.
I know how bad the RLS can get. I figured out that if I keep my legs shaved and take a "hot as can be tolerated" bath with Epsom salt then use lavender lotion on my legs. The RLS is lessened or gone completely for the night. I used this "remedy" for a few years and was pretty much ok.
I still do that routine every night.
Plus Mt Dr added Amantadine to my meds. It helps with the RLS too.
I wish you well.
I was on ropinirole and when I asked my hwp MDS if we could try it for him he said Gabapentin was the best choice for it.
Yes, restless legs syndrome (RLS) in Parkinson's can be managed. It is often linked to low dopamine levels. Medications like dopamine agonists (e.g., ropinirole or rotigotine) may help. Non-pharmacological options include maintaining good sleep hygiene, regular exercise, and avoiding caffeine or alcohol before bed. Always Show Full Answer
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
Shave my legs, hot Epsom salts bath and massage with lavender lotion ?! Does this work for men ? Do I need red lights ? 😁
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