Mayne Generic C/l 25/100 Immediate Release Discontinued. Help Review Generic Brand You Take . Good Or Bad Ones. Ex . Mylan, Tru Pharma, Ect.
I would like to create a data collection of us that have parkinsons and parkinsonism that rates the generic forms of carbidopa levadopa immediate release 25/100 . My manufacturer discontinued their brand Mayne after years of taking it . I have a limited time to identify a new brand that works well for many. Researching comparisons do not exist. We have a huge group of people struggling with parkinsons and will be able to create a excellent source of personnel reviews on specifically this topic… read more
I take the generic brand of carbidopa levodopa. I have taken it for a little over a year. For some people, it has a side effect of lowering BP. Started for me, as the dosage was increased.
I take Sciegen brand. I have not had any side affects from it and have been taking it for a year now. Once at 9 am and again at 530 pm( try to take an hour after eating). I get mine at Fred Meyer/Kroeger.
Thanks Micheal,
I will check on this new information, I am learning. I know the generic brand vs. the brand name do not perform the same way in the body. For me, it’s serious. It’s a known fact that sometimes carbo-levo will lower BP. Mine has gotten as low as 62/40. My cardiac drugs have been doubled. I was told, I am on the highest dose of cardiac medication to bring my BP up. I hope it continues to work.
If you want to know who the manufacturer of your c/ l is you can ask the pharmacist and they should provide you the name , what they will not provide is a review of how well that particular manufacturer works for us with parkinsons. Unfortunately some providers put profit before quality. In reading many articles on many different parkinsons sites I have come across people that express problems when they switch manufacturers. The problems range from mild to very concerning and we all know we do not need any more problems ! You can also find the manufacture name on your prescription bottle. Thanks to everyone that is replying !
I Am Just About To Start Carbidopa Levidopa.
Does Anyone Use Sinemet Instead Of Carbidopa-Levo?
What Brand Name Carbidopa/levodopa Do You Take And What Strength? Part 2: Has Anyone Tried Celebrex For Muscle Pain?