How Fast Does One Progress?
Progression of Parkinson's disease varies greatly from person to person. It is a neurological movement disorder that typically worsens over time, but the rate of progression depends on factors like age, overall health, and treatment. Staying active, informed, and working closely with healthcare providers can help manage Show Full Answer
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It really differs for each person. Researchers are trying to understand why people progress differently, via the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative that you can participate in on the Michael J. Fox Foundation website. As AI said, it depends on age of onset, cause of Parkinson's, other illnesses, activity level, etc. It is known that exercise can slow progression, but there are a lot of factors involved. I've seen people on this site who have had PD for 20 + years and are still able to take care of themselves, and others who are in a wheelchair 2 years after diagnosis.
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