Silly Question But Does Anyone Else's LO Have Trouble Remembering To Close Doors? A Constant Problem For Us, Doors Frig, Microwave Etc
Only the refrigerator. It has an alarm that goes off when you leave the refrigerator door open, & I forget it. I feel sorry for my neighbors. Hugs, AnneKristine 🩷
Jim has left doors open so the dog got out. Fortunately it doesn't happen often. Just every once in a while he forgets that he needs to close the door behind himself.
Memory challenges, like forgetting to close doors or appliances, can be common for people with Parkinson's. It may stem from cognitive changes or simply being distracted. Gentle reminders, visual cues like sticky notes, or even automatic door closers can help. You're not alone in this—many caregivers face similar Show Full Answer
I have left quite a few cabinet doors wide open. My worst was when I forgot to close the dishwasher door. Later I went into the kitchen with just the night lite on and I walked in and fell right over it. Hurt like the dickens, but no serious damage. Lots of bruises, but I always have a lot of bruises and don’t know how I got them. 😆
yes same here do not close doors forget to turn off lights
Does Any Still Have Problems Running Into Things.
Phil10, Where Are You? I Miss You! (note: YOU)
Does Anyone Else Experience Freezing And Balance Loss When Approaching A Door Being Opened Towards You?