Does anyone ever see symptoms actually retreat?
Thanks for the info. We shall see whether the shots work for him or not when he gets them. Again thanks for the info. Hope you had a great day. Take care, BFN! Colleen❤️🤗😊
My husband went to a pain specialist for his back. He has several compressed discs and arthritis. They tried various kinds of shots over a couple of months, including a test for a nerve block, but none made any real difference, so he gave up. My brother has had several surgeries on his back and the thing that helped most was physical therapy. Same with my husband. Of course, that only helps as long as they do the exercises every day.
After two or three years of dealing with constipation, it seems to have gone into remission. Of course I’ve picked up a few new symptoms in place of that. No relation though.
Hi to you all,
Have been away for a few days and just catching up tonight. I will say we did have an accomplishment with my hub. though. He saw the fellow at the pain clinic today and he is scheduled for shots in his back for the pain. Not until January though. Anybody on here know about injections in the back for pain? Let me know please and thanks. Not associated with P.D. though they said. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and a great day today. God Bless Colleen❤️🤗🙏😴🦃 ps they said it the pain was associated to his arthritis in the 4& 5 discs.
Deep Brain Stimulation, while not a cure, puts some of the motor symptoms into a delayed progression. I guess you could call it remission. I had it 2 yrs ago. Best Decision Ever!!
What Causes Parkins To Go From Stage 1 To 5. Also What Makes PD Go Away Or Into Remission?
This Question Is For All The Ladies Out There. How Do You Shave Your Legs And Not Butcher Them? I Did A Number On Mine Tonight! Ouch!!
I've Been Hearing Patients Say That They Have "drug Induced Parkinson's". Can Anyone Offer More Info?