What Would Help My Husband Fall/ Stay Asleep. He Has Parkinsonian Symptoms And Takes Levo-dopa 100. He Needs To Get Up Several Times Anyway.
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Put rush to the time, limitations on my bucket list.
This could very well show my bias based on personal experience but going to a sleep doctor and having a sleep study where they always find sleep apnea and prescribe an expensive CPAP machine for the masks never fit i and never.work. My personal opinion it’s about And as close to a scam as you can get.
One thing that I did find that helped was a relaxation technique involving muscle tension and release for each muscle group in your body with a result being deep relaxation not to be confused with self hypnosis. You can probably Google it for instructions.I
For your husband, managing sleep with Parkinsonian symptoms and levodopa use can be challenging. Here are some suggestions:
1. Melatonin: It may help him fall asleep and improve sleep depth, though waking for urination might still occur
2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This can address insomnia and related anxiety Show Full Answer
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