Does PD Cause A Loss Of The Sense Of Taste? I'm Losing Mine.
I don't know if my symptoms are from PD or if it is a side effect of medication, my imagination, or something else. Have any of you had a similar problem?
Because of my loss of taste I started eating spicy foods especially loaded with garlic, onions, etc. and drinking expresso rather than regular coffee. Any exaggerated or strong flavor has allowed me to regain at least some taste.
Yes most unpalatable 😄😋😝
I hope so otherwise my wife's culinary skills have totally gone down the pan ! 😅😋
Definitely yes. I’m now eating spicier foods and drinking espresso instead of coffee so I can get that coffee taste which I can’t for regular coffee. Garlic, onions, etc. seem to help breakthrough. The Parkinson’s taste barrier.
Losing your sense of smell can cause loss of taste as well.
Does Parkinson's Have A History Of Causing The Taste Buds To Change. Does The Carbo/levo Have An Effect On Taste Buds.
My Father Has Had PD For About 5 Years. He Told Me Today That He Is Losing His Sense Of Taste. Has Anyone Else Experience This. Thank You
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