More Of A Remark Than A Question. I Can Normally Smell Very Little. Last Night I Had An Olfactory Hallucination...aftershave. I Wish...
I have too I didn't realize what it could be it's something I've smelled before but just can't remember what it is
I experience that once in a while, smelling roses!
Enjoy the hallucination. They can develop into great fantasies and embellish it if you so desire.
Body not lady!!!
Mine are flowers too. I don’t mind these smells at all!😊 I just don’t like all the other smells, I used to love. That’s frustrating. I feel cheated!! Too bad I can’t put my PD in time out!!! lol 😂
Does Anyone Else Have Olfactory Hallucinations?
Do You Smell Smoke? Olfactory Hallucinations
It Stinks, Olfactory Hallucinations?