Who Else Sometimes Question Their Sanity?
Golly! In today's world you don't have to have PD to have questionable sanity. Every day we can read or hear about someone declaring a new "normal". The world is full of jackass people wanting us to embrace ideas that defy common sense. Taking short vacations from sanity is probably good for us.
Nigel , helping people is always very rewarding and lifts your own spirits too.
My issue is, when I know a task is pushing my ability to do it, I do focus on it...and that focus brings on my anxiety and panic.
Also, doing Sudoku may improve my cognition, but it also wastes valuable time on an activity that results in nothing more than numbers in boxes.
I'd rather my cognition had a point, rather than just be maths (or whatever) for it's own sake.
I was able to make a real difference to a friend this week, and it was by "figuring stuff out". Now THAT felt good in a way that eighty-one numbers could never deliver...
Hi Carol, I agree with Andi that the most important thing to do is to get rid of the roommate. I know from experience it is easier said than done!
Hallucinations is apparently quite common in PD. I see things out of the corner of my eye and when I look directly at it, it's gone. I don't know if this is the same
as what you are describing.
As I said in the beginning, I agree with Andi, priority is to get rid of the roommate.
Once upon a time, when I was still young and beautiful (now I'm only beautiful 😁) I was in a toxic relationship that I had to get out of but I had no emotional support system to help me through it. I went to a psychologist, told him the setup and that I don't need treatment. I only needed someone in my corner to hold my hand and talk me out of the relationship. Once that was achieved, the sessions with the psychologist stopped.
I hope you manage to get out of this horrible situation. I'll pray for you and I love ❤️ you.
Keep us up to date with your situation and don't hesitate to make use of us in any way you need us.
Sometimes I wish I didn't have the sanity I do have. 😂
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