Does Anyone Have A Hard Time Hooking Their Cars Seatbelt Due To Their Hands Being Weak And Shaking?
I bought short seatbelt extenders so the belt would fasten in front of me and not way back on my side. They work great and can be easily removed. Just a thought to maybe make things a little easier
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I have never even heard of seatbelt extenders. It sounds like a brilliant idea. I'll get some and keep them in my purse. Then I'll have them handy in whoever's car I travel.
Weakness and shaking in the hands, common symptoms of Parkinson's, can indeed make tasks like fastening a seatbelt challenging. Using short seatbelt extenders, as you mentioned, is a practical solution to make fastening easier and more accessible. It's always great to find adaptive tools that help maintain independence and Show Full Answer
Good idea.
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Does Anyone Else Have A Problem Getting There Seatbelt On? It Is Primarily The Shaking That Interfere With Getting It Latched.