What’s One Thing About Parkinson's That People Rarely Discuss But Should?
Pain - no one talks about how much pain you may have due to PD
The mental issues
Incontinence bladder and bowels.
I feel that people with PD should always question the medication and side effects to your organs that may cause another problem.
I also feel that the care takers should know that PD comes with so many other problems and that the PD patient is NOT being a hypochondriac and is actually dealing with multiple problems.
Weight! Yet it may be the most critical factor affecting your ability to cope with PD. When I first was diagnosed, I started gaining weight due to inactivity, Eventually I weighed roughly 45 pounds more than I do now. Everything was worse: pain, balance, mobility, and sleep. As I lost weight I actually felt as though I was reversing PD. (I wasn't but it felt better.)
In 3 Mos.my Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?
How Many Out There Have Parkinsonism? Do You Know The Difference Between Parkinsonism And Parkinson's?
The Doctor Diagnosed My Husband With Parkinsonism? Does Anyone Else Have That?