I'm Involved In A Group For Rock Climbing And Parkinson's! Any One Participate And In The Columbia MD Area Interested
Thanks for the hug and sending a hug back at ya. Hope you had a good day today. Take care, BFN! Colleen❤️🤗😊😴
Sorry can't help ya there. Live in Canada a bit far for me for rock climbing. Hope you find someone on here who can do it with you. Hope you had a great day today. Take care, BFN! Colleen❤️🤗😊🦃
It sounds like you're looking to connect with others in the Columbia, MD area who are interested in rock climbing and Parkinson's. While I don't have specific information about rock climbing groups in that area, you might find it helpful to join MyParkinsonsTeam. This social network allows people living with Parkinson's to Show Full Answer
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I Am Experiencing Shivers Up And Down My Arms And Legs - Usually In The Evening When I’m Tired. It’s Most Uncomfortable Want It To End.