Is Your Quality Of Life Proportional To The Size Of Your Room/property?
This is just a random thought I had. I used to have a large house with main rooms like kitchen, lounge and bedrooms all measuring at least 15x15 feet (5x5 metres).
I now live in my Mum's old house, where the rooms are no bigger than 3.5 metres in the largest direction.
I feel far less "happy" than I did in the old house.
There are a lot of other factors I know; I was in a good relationship, in better health and had a good job. However, I'm increasingly running into space as a barrier… read more
Ah, but the size of your cell can make a difference...
it does seem like smaller spaces can be harder to navigate- also light therapy may help with circadian rhythm and improve sleep and Parkinson's symptoms I think this trial is only available in the US but if it proves to be helpful then maybe we will see this type of therapy to become more readily available and the hope is that if it proves successful that getting an approval to use it as a treatment might be forthcoming. I said on another post, the thumbs up is for "my head agrees with you" you made a good logical argument.
The heart is more for feelings...that what you said resonated at an emotional level.
I'm tend to put more weight behind logical arguments; I was a scientist for most of my working life and I still think like one.
But sometimes, we just need a hug.
For me, it’s not the size of where I live, but it’s the balance and walking issues. Parkinson’s has so lovingly given me the results of me not being able to leave the house for one or two weeks at a time. Fortunately, as an only child I have been able to adjust to that. I have always loved music and I fall back on listening to music much more.
I stay in a trailer 5th wheel in the summer for 5 months. I think it's the sunlight that we get. The older homes are darker. So that might be the reason.
I See A Lot Of You Refer You To The Times That You Take Your Carbilev. Is It Before A Meal Or After. How Long ?
I Don't Have The Desire To Do Much And Life Wife Is Complaining We Don't Do Anything Anymore How Do You Get That Drive Back