What Do You Think Of Both A Husband And Wife, And A.nextdoor Neighbor Getting Pd? My Husband Had MSA.
Very nice neighborhood, but everyone feels compelled to keep their lawns and gardens beautiful. Weed killers is one common thread.
Personally, I don't believe too much in coincidence. That being said, it is probably environmental. My husband and I built our home on land given to us on his parents farm. Way too many weed killers used on the farm. They have sprayed them all around my house for the 45 years that I have lived here. Just glad that my hubby hasn't gotten Parkinsons...
Well, according to a Parkinsons researcher,, the environmental hazards are a part; if you have.a genetic connection and immune response, and have gut bacteria traveling to your brain via the vaso-vagal nerve, you are a candidate.
My personal opinion is that with the dramatic increase in neurological disorders and nviromental factors certainly play a role. Many chemicals have been implicated but causation, not so much. Glyphosates in everything, micro plastics in everything, hard to say. Anecdotal stories of cancer clusters in areas with metal refiners and metal manufacturing, same with batteries.
I worked with round up for a couple of years. It was bad because I wpuld sprsy it from a leaky jug and I wasn't even wearing gloves. I slways washed up really well aferwards but it probably was how i got pd.
I can also add that my neighborhood had a Natonal Guard installation. It cannot be seen except from a close by road, now a clean up site.
Does Anyone Have What I Call Downtime Between Medication Can’t Do Anything You Normally Do On A Daily Basis
Was Just Told She Has Parkinsons I Went From Walking With A Walker To Not Being Able To Walk At All Has Anyone Else Had This Happen To Them
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