Looking For A Recommendation For Medications To Treat Anxiety And Hallucinations In An Older Adult With Moderately Progressed PD.
Pronounced dementia with episodic extreme anxiety and some paranoia. Currently taking no PD meds or interventions.
Also looking for what type of Dr or provider can provide a good recommendation and prescription. Thanks!
Agree that a provider will need to make the final recommendation and prescription, however the current Neurologist has been pushing for traditional PD medications and procedures like DBS.
They have been less helpful on meds to treat symptoms like anxiety. We are interested to hear personal stories on meds that have worked well - or as importantly those that were problematic.
Thank you!
For managing anxiety and hallucinations in an older adult with moderately progressed Parkinson's disease (PD) and pronounced dementia, it is crucial to consult with a neurologist or psychiatrist. These specialists can provide tailored recommendations and prescriptions based on the individual's specific symptoms and medical Show Full Answer
Bob Seeing & Talking To People. Also Having Arguments With Them. Gave Someone Some Money. Didn’t Want To Go To Bed Because 5 People In There
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