Has Anyone Had Significant Weight Loss Before Or After PD Diagnosis? Weight Loss Without Trying To Lose Or Diet?
I’ve had just the opposite happened to me. I’ve actually gained some weight but nothing very significant. But I’ve expected that due to my balance and walking issues that keeps me from getting out and walking for exercise.
Yes I have! I lost about 40 lbs within a couple months without even trying. I was feeling full after only eating a little bit. I had a motility test & it revealed that the food wasn’t digesting properly or quickly enough. I now have the diagnosis of Gastroparesis (on top of GERD). The doctor recommended that I eat a “small particle diet” which includes food that you can mash w a fork & cooked/canned fruits & vegetables which leaves out any things w a peeling still on it like apples & salads. And I love salads :( (& that I can use a grinder for my meats) so applesauce & pudding is ok. And to drink plenty of Endure. So I can at least maintain my weight & not to keep losing. Sorry about this being such a long post. But I hope that this will help someone out there in Parkinson’s land!
Jim lost some weight for a while but that seems to have stopped. He just isn't as hungry as he used to be. I think it's largely because he isn't moving as much. He doesn't have tremors or dyskinesia, and he still has his sense of smell and taste.
Losing the ability to smell makes it harder to eat. Depression can either make food unappealing or it can cause you to eat more.
I'm opposite I was 180 and now 225 but I've been doing rocksteady boxing and exercising for 3 years and most is muscle my chest size went from 38 to 48
Yes. I lost 25 lbs. Without trying.
Weight Problems
Does Parkinson's Have A History Of Causing The Taste Buds To Change. Does The Carbo/levo Have An Effect On Taste Buds.
I Have Pretty Much Lost My Appetite And Am Not Eating Healthy Or Enough. Any Suggestions. Am Losing A Lot Of Weight.